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There's a new map style on! The Tracestrack Topo map from @tracestrack.

It's a mix of osm-carto and OpenTopoMap. It has many improvements: more tag support (busway, embankment, cuisine, solar plants, aquaculture, pitch, sea, tree etc.), CJK fonts, etc. There is
also better internationalisation: country specific road shields, peaks
using imperial system in the US, hierarchical place rendering in China, etc.
#OpenStreetMap #OSM #gischat #maps

@openstreetmap @tracestrack Sieht gut aus, hab gerade online geguckt. - Ich finde ab und zu Fehler. Gibt es eine Android App mit der mensch offline Fehler speichern und später zu euch hochladen kann oder reichen Euch Grafiken mit markierten Fehlern und Beschreibungen? Offline weil ich absichtlich kein Smartphone, sondern ein WiFi-Tablet mit GPS-Empfang habe.

@openstreetmap @tracestrack It needs some getting used to, but I like it.


@openstreetmap @tracestrack Does not work for me. Instead of the expected basemap, i have either a black background (firefox), either a grid (chrome-based browser).

Randy Simons

@stemy @openstreetmap Didn't work for me as well (Firefox), until I found that it was caused by the Smart Referrer add-on I use to mask the privacy-unfriendly http referer header. Perhaps @tracestrack can accommodate privacy-consience folks by allowing no referrer or "self" referrer (default of the add-on) as well?


@RandySimons @openstreetmap @tracestrack It doesn't work for me even on private navigation, so it's not the addon's fault.

Randy Simons

@stemy Don't know about chrome-based browsers, but in Firefox add-ons can be enabled in private mode as well. Which I have enabled for Smart Referrer.

In Firefox, via about:profiles, you can create a new, fully clean, throw-away profile which you can use to test without any add-ons or custom configuration.


@RandySimons The default setting disables the addons in private mode, and check made, i didn't changed it.

Tracestrack Maps

@RandySimons @stemy @openstreetmap The "Referer" header plays an important role in preventing API key abuse. Please enable Referer header for

Tracestrack Maps

@stemy @RandySimons @openstreetmap Looks like your IP is routed to NL edge server (the most unlikely visited server) which has a bad nginx config. Fixing now. Thank you for reporting.


@openstreetmap @tracestrack Imperial units exists since 1824 and were never used in the USA.

Antonin Delpeuch

@openstreetmap @tracestrack with so many styles available maybe it's worth removing the "Cycle Map" one, since CyclOSM is superior and open source?

Thibault Molleman🇧🇪 🌈🐝

@pintoch @openstreetmap I'm curious what their stats say. (how many people use what layer)

I think both have their purpose, they're visually very different from each other. but yeah

Paul Norman

@thibaultmol @pintoch @openstreetmap Cycle Map is the most-used non-default layer with 2.3% of visitors using it.

In August, the usage was
Cycle Map: 196460
Transport Map: 158183
CyclOSM: 169283
OPNVKarte: 113021
Humanitarian: 120502

Standard isn't included since 48% of users view it, being the default.


@pnorman @thibaultmol @pintoch @openstreetmap I use Cycle Map mostly because it has place names in latin script, and sometimes because of topography.

Valerie Norton

@pintoch @openstreetmap @tracestrack
As a hiker, I find CyclOSM less useful simply because it puts the bicycle=no paths so far into the background in the designated Wilderness areas that are so nice to hike.

Maybe this new layer can be as good for hikers. The hillshading is rather overdramatic. (I don't actually like hillshading. It makes certain features visible or not according to which side of the mountain they are on.)

Nick Doiron

@openstreetmap This is really good! Is it using Noto fonts?
Super niche issue: the ligature ڵا (yellow road, top-center) looks U-shaped on all styles including this one


新しい OSM のレンダリングスタイルが で利用可能になっていました。道路の路線番号標識が実際の形になってレンダリングされていますし、標準レンダリング (osm-carto) よりも見やすい気がしますね。

Marc Framboisier

@openstreetmap @tracestrack
It is a really nice rendering.
I noticed an issue in Shetland Islands where the curves show a mountain in the see.

Tracestrack Maps

@MarcFramboisier @openstreetmap This is intriguing. It also appears in CyclOSM and OpenTopoMap so it must be from the DEM data(captured in year 2000: Either the data is erroneous, or the mountain disappeared in the past 20 years!


@openstreetmap @tracestrack The new style looks good, but I have noticed some odd rendering not present on others, like these erroneous vertical contours down the middle of Scotland.

Tracestrack Maps

@LonM @openstreetmap The contour line database was updated over the last weekend. If you zoom in to see the non-cached tiles it should be good!


The layer doesn't work for me. The tile server returns 403 to all the requests.

Tracestrack Maps

@L29Ah @openstreetmap Hi there, please enable "Referer" header for in your browser and then it should work.

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