@wjmaggos Yes, if you want to perform full text search on your server. But even without ElasticSearch users can opt in to have their posts index in search but it will simply not work locally.
@wjmaggos Yes, if you want to perform full text search on your server. But even without ElasticSearch users can opt in to have their posts index in search but it will simply not work locally. 3 comments
@karim @mastohost I has to increase my RAM form 4 to 8 GB for elasticsearch. Fortunately, the system's out of memory manager killed it when I hadn't done the RAM increase so it didn't take the instance down. @karim Well, ElasticSearch runs on independent resources, so it will make no difference for ElasticSearch if you are using Moon or another plan. |
@mastohost Looks like I’ll be adding ElasticSearch to my personal instance then. Would you also recommend increasing from ‘Moon’?