The missing ActivityPub dev toolkit is coming along! #PubKit #activityPub #fediverse #shippingSoon
The missing ActivityPub dev toolkit is coming along! #PubKit #activityPub #fediverse #shippingSoon 11 comments
@dansup I can't wait. I have some many things running on my head that I hope PubKit will make it possible. :gif_acnh_droid: My kudos. Thank you Dansup. for testing it and fixing some wafrn rough edges!! @dansup OMG Fucking Yes this is what I am missing to fix YEEEEESSSS!!!!!1ELF!!! @dansup we could really use this for the Enigma 1/2 ActivityPub integration. Looking forward to it! |
It will be open sourced upon launch, and I'm eager to work with other #fediverse developers and users to further improve #PubKit!