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"That this world that we imagine in this room might be used to gain access to other rooms, to other worlds, previously unimaginable"

I've heard that in Burials 'Come Down to Us' song many times and today I looked up the reference. Its from Lana Wachowski's HRC Award speech.

She is known for directing the Matrix movies with her sister! You should watch her speech, its quite powerful.


Correction: She is known for directing the Matrix movies with her sister Lily! *

I apologize for misgendering her, I was not aware of that when I made this post.

nemo™ 🇺🇦

@dansup yep both of them have changed their genders once wachowski brothers, now wachowski sisters but we live in a free world

Haelwenn /элвэн/ :triskell:
@dansup Note: Both of them are sisters for quite some years now.
Johanna, CanCon variant

@dansup what a great speech. Thanks for sharing. I don’t think I’ve ever heard her speak before, I’ve only heard how guarded the Wachowski sisters are of their privacy. She’s very impressive! And very sweet.

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