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I really appreciate the kind words regarding my last post

While I don't usually get overwhelmed, lately I've been really feeling the pressure regarding Sup, PubKit, FediDB, Groups and the mobile app release

The pressure of friends, family and my own partner wanting more of my time, and they've been really patient, but I need to ship these ASAP.

I guess the imposter syndrome I've been feeling lately is probably related to my guilt of sacrificing my social life for Pixelfed, and questioning it

Arnel Šarić Sharan :verified:

@dansup Don't do that to people who love you. Pixelfed can wait, people won't. Speaking from experience of some of my really close friends, which made me correct my own behavior.


I also feel guilty about even talking about this, because these problems pale in comparison to what other people are struggling with

I don't want you to feel sympathy for me, there are plenty of more deserving people with real actual problems

That being said, I really appreciate all the support and will stop complaining, I have a lot of privilege and I get that


@dansup also, people having bigger struggles than yourself, don’t make your own struggles insignificant, try to remember that

Johannes Brakensiek

@dansup I‘m following you for some time and I‘ve got the impression that you‘re great, but doing way to many projects. Creating Pixelfed and apps already is more than I would expect a human was able to do (even in his/her spare time). So I‘d recommend taking a moment to consider if you really want to do all those projects and if it‘s worth what you sacrifice for this. 👍😊💚

Peter Toft Jølving

That logic gets you nowhere. It's conditioning to make you keep producing.

You don't have to be literally dying for your challenges to be worthy of recognition. ❤️

Michael Sean Becker

@dansup just because others have different scales of problems doesn’t change how stress, responsibility, etc manifest in your brain. Unsolicited advice from a stranger on the internet, be kind to yourself. Treat yourself the way you would want others to treat your best friend. Your ecosystem work is great admired and appreciated by this line person in California, and what you do is important.


@dansup maybe you can find someone trustworthy enough to share some load. There probably are plenty of people that wish they could contribute

Homer S.

@dansup Although there's of course always room for improvement ...
And despite of all the insufficiencies of the world ...

You're good enough, Dan.
You're enough.

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