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@thomasfuchs ads started off like traditional billboards. Then marketers started abusing more and more technology to chase after a gross “we will build personas on everyone” goal. People are done with being tracked and manipulated online.


@nicholashead @thomasfuchs

For over a 100 years ads didn't have animations.

And worked perfectly.

Now they are color explosions and constantly flickering which makes reading the article some kind of high power mind game, which is almost unsolvable.

Especially animations are the dumbest idea ad agencies ever had. They make using an ad blocker mandatory.

Thomas 🔭✨

@recker5 @nicholashead lol have you seen animated neon signs from the 30s and 40s?


@thomasfuchs @nicholashead
Ok. That was before my time. And there were no articles to read between them.

Was more thinking of magazines, the paper-internet before the real internet.

Thomas 🔭✨

@recker5 @nicholashead Fair enough! There’s was some attempts at interactivity with magazine ads, for example flexidisk records and scratch’n’sniff but it was relatively rare and mostly gimmicky


@thomasfuchs @nicholashead
Sounds exciting.
I missed out.

I just can't read anything if there's a dancing monkey on the left and the right that explodes every 2 seconds.




AdNauseam is a nice FF-Extension which you can set to hide and click ads. And you can differentiate between tracking/non-tracking ads so you can allow non-tracking and 'punish' the tracking one (if desired).

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