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Eugen Rochko

@marquiskurt @dansup Well, there's a selection bias here. People who would've found it so compelling are here, but the others aren't.

Marquis Kurt 🔨🐺

@Gargron @dansup I suppose so. But at the same time, with how other social networks operate and the rise of privacy concerns across various technologies, it would seem promising to at least some that aren’t in the fediverse yet, no?


@Gargron @marquiskurt Well I think its more complex than that.

How many twitter users were convinced to join because of marketing copy?

The goal is to convince the users who took the time to actually read this site, not measure conversion rates.

Solinvictus :verified:

@dansup @Gargron I just love both of you for making all this real and putting the end-user in front of everything


@Gargron @marquiskurt @dansup For now it works good! And who knows, maybe in the future you’ll come along something better. Masto and Pixelfed are always open for evolving or growing right :fediverse:​

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