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Contradiction Finder

@matzipan I used Paypal before they locked my account & kept the money -- before I became broadly aware of Paypal’s wrongdoing.

w.r.t checks, what do you do in Europe if you want to pay someone who does not have a bank account? A check covers that situation. Cash is better, but because of the #warOnCash Belgium, France, & Spain have outlawed cash transactions above a certain amount.

@BrianSmith950 @simon @adam

Contradiction Finder replied to Contradiction

Homes in Europe are still bought with checks. E.g. in Belgium upon closing on a house, the buyer must appear at the notaire with proof of down payment. A screenshot of a transfer is not accepted. So a banker’s check is often used.

I agree checks are rare in Europe but there are a number of factors that drive people to be unbanked which makes checks more important.
@BrianSmith950 @simon @adam

Contradiction Finder replied to Contradiction

In recent years, some EU banks have closed their over-the-counter service and also shutdown their website. If you want to send money, you must buy a smartphone, register an acct with google or apple, obtain the bank’s closed-source app from Google or Apple & be willing to run the app. And you must repeat that cycle when the bank’s chronic upgrades force you to buy a new phone. I would prefer checks over that.
@BrianSmith950 @simon @adam

matzipan replied to Contradiction

@batalanto @BrianSmith950 @simon @adam that is a good point and I would see both paypal locking people out and banks not supporting web or non-googlefied smartphones as topics for another digital banking reform in the EU.

matzipan replied to Contradiction

@batalanto @BrianSmith950 @simon @adam I just don't. This problem does not for me for sums that cannot be managed by some cash.

Contradiction Finder replied to matzipan

Consider how utilities are paid in Europe. You pay an estimated amount monthly. After a year, the supplier calculates your exact figures and refunds you the amount you overpaid. If you have no bank account, you’re fucked because the energy supplier will not pay you cash and they will not send a check.

BTW, checks still exist in western Europe; France more so than others. Outside of France you have to pick the right bank & apply some pressure to get a checkbook.
@BrianSmith950 @simon @adam

Consider how utilities are paid in Europe. You pay an estimated amount monthly. After a year, the supplier calculates your exact figures and refunds you the amount you overpaid. If you have no bank account, you’re fucked because the energy supplier will not pay you cash and they will not send a check.

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