Homes in Europe are still bought with checks. E.g. in Belgium upon closing on a house, the buyer must appear at the notaire with proof of down payment. A screenshot of a transfer is not accepted. So a banker’s check is often used.
I agree checks are rare in Europe but there are a number of factors that drive people to be unbanked which makes checks more important.
@BrianSmith950 @simon @adam
In recent years, some EU banks have closed their over-the-counter service and also shutdown their website. If you want to send money, you must buy a smartphone, register an acct with google or apple, obtain the bank’s closed-source app from Google or Apple & be willing to run the app. And you must repeat that cycle when the bank’s chronic upgrades force you to buy a new phone. I would prefer checks over that.
@BrianSmith950 @simon @adam