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Darius Kazemi

A friend of mine is looking for technical help - she has a newish Google Workspace domain and her emails to people keep going to spam. She has done the recommended SPF, DKIM, and DMARC stuff and it all seems to be working according to various diagnostic tools but still, emails go to spam.

She is willing to pay for someone's time to fix this. If you are that someone, or know that someone, you can get in touch at:



Critical question: is she actually sending these emails from within the Gmail UI (app or website)?

If she's sending mail appearing to come from her Google-hosted domain, but actually sending them through another route (mail app going to ISP's mail relay, firewall at work/public routing SMTP to its own relay, etc), then the mail she is sending will be violating her own SPF and DMARC policies (if they're anything but wide-open).

And that means they're invalid, and go to spam.

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