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Tom Coxon

Performance: Godot is optimised for general-purpose cases, and sometimes games hit the specific cases it's not well-optimised for. This is true for any engine; there is always a trade off. It was useful that we could optimise GridMap for our specific open world use-cases though!

Tom Coxon

Bugs: 3.5 was *remarkably* stable considering it's a community-driven project. However, given the number of players CB has, and the number of hours each of those players put into it, we did encounter a handful of weird engine bugs relating to audio & thread-safety.

Tom Coxon

Regarding publishers, none of the ones we pitched CB to (in 2019/2020) seemed to be put off by our decision to use Godot. If they were, they didn't say it. And actually, a few were quite interested in Godot themselves even back then.

Godot is perfect for small projects. For medium/large indie projects, if you're not afraid to get your hands dirty with C++ engine code, 3.x is already good enough! I suspect that Godot 4.x will be in a similar state next year, and continue to improve after that.

Tom Coxon

One last point to make for (ex-)Unity users: don't overlook GDScript! You're all so laser-focused on C# that you miss one of the best things about Godot!

In GDScript, there's no garbage collector to tiptoe around, the VM uses engine types natively without need of a translation layer, and there's syntactical sugar for common engine tasks like retrieving nodes by path, etc.

Tom Coxon

GDScript is of course slower than C# if you're benchmarking *just* script code on its own, but in my experience it's rare for pure scripting to be a bottleneck in a game. There was only one area in CB where scripting hurt performance, and for that we went straight to C++, not C#!

Tom Coxon

If it wasn't already clear, we love Godot here at Bytten Studio, and we're committed to using it in all our future projects.

If you're looking to release something next year or later, try Godot 4. If you need something you can release sooner, try 3.

If you're still undecided, check out Cassette Beasts and decide for yourself whether Godot is ready for your projects:

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