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George Takei

The Daily Beast is reporting that Elon Musk ordered engineers to switch off his Starlink satellites just as Ukraine was preparing to attack the Russian naval fleet with drones. He said he feared nuclear retaliation by Russia. It’s high time we ask the question: How much power and influence does it make sense to hand just one person?


@georgetakei He's not in the position to determine if Russia is going to launch nukes or not

Kote Isaev

@toallpointswest Moreover, this fearmongering like "Russia will launch nukes if we will [something here, e. g. not install Trump as next US president] !!!!11" is one of key tools of Kremlin narrative today, meanwhile Russian "president" is crazy enough to launch nukes just for lulz or "to let the p:nd0s s#ck" (term used by Russian propaganda).
What often is overlooked is terrible state of Russian nuclear arsenal, to point of being unusable.

Brandon C. Williams

@georgetakei The better question might be just where does the loyalty of that power and influence from one man lies.


@BCWilliams71 We don't need to even ask that question if we don't give any one person, or even small handful of people, that much power.

Brandon C. Williams

@mathaetaes We shouldn't have to ask that question, but we have put ourselves in the position where a handful of people control the fate of this world.


@BCWilliams71 I agree with you on that fact... but if we're asking the question Mr. Takei mentions, it makes questions about loyalty moot.

I understood Mr. Takei's point to be "We shouldn't allow so much power to be amassed by such few people." I read your question as "We should only allow power to be amassed by few people if their loyalties align with those we agree with." The former is ideologically neutral, the latter leads to authoritarianism by one group over another.

While I would be far more accepting of a situation in which Musk was taking unilateral action against Russia in favor of Ukraine, I have to recognize the hypocrisy in that.

We should be actively working to prevent power consolidation regardless of who has it. Anything else will inevitably lead to abuse by one group against another; the idea of a "benevolent overlord" is a myth.

@BCWilliams71 I agree with you on that fact... but if we're asking the question Mr. Takei mentions, it makes questions about loyalty moot.

I understood Mr. Takei's point to be "We shouldn't allow so much power to be amassed by such few people." I read your question as "We should only allow power to be amassed by few people if their loyalties align with those we agree with." The former is ideologically neutral, the latter leads to authoritarianism by one group over another.

XorOwl 🎃

@georgetakei the fact that one company was able to pump so much pollution into orbit around earth should upset everyone on the planet honestly.

Sebastian :coffefied:

@xorowl Take that to the US tax payers and their government!🤡@georgetakei

XorOwl 🎃

@ssamulczyk i'd rather take it to the UN, or some other international body.


@georgetakei @ArnoJanBoere
If Elon agreed to their request, then SpaceX would be explicitly complicit in a major act of war and conflict escalation.

argv minus one

@georgetakei Last time I read the Constitution, aiding America's enemies was . belongs in prison for this.

Michael ☕️

@argv_minus_one @georgetakei absent a declared war, I think our treason law can't help here.

argv minus one

@mcpinson @georgetakei Only because Congress and the White House haven't bothered declaring their wars since WWII. Sending weapons and training to a country's enemies is waging war against that country.


@georgetakei @argv_minus_one @mcpinson If we officially declared the war you imply- it would implicate NATO and cause WWIII, which no one has any inclination to do.


@georgetakei It is way too late to be asking that about the world's wealthiest man.


@noondlyt Since he literally owns the space that surrounds the Earth

Veda Dalsette


As long as the wealthy are allowed to buy elections, elections will continue to be bought.

Grinning Cat :QueerCat_Bisexual:

@VedaDalsette @georgetakei But when it comes to elections, we have the absolute FREE SPEECH right to be subjected to as much spin, manipulation, deception, outright lies, and psychological warfare as billionaires can afford to publish!!!!!1!!!1! /S

(Wasn't that the twisted "logic" behind Citizens United?)

Neil Joinson

@georgetakei Please George, it's time to stop linking to Twitter-bomb websites. You are directing large volumes of traffic to his platform from this one, which we came to to get away from Musk, via several pages such as secondnexus, which contain a large number of twitter links. Just going to those pages counts as multiple twitter interactions.

Maddad ☑️


There is no way that a moron like should have any control like that!


@maddad @georgetakei He owns Starlink. If I owned a restauraunt, im pretty sure i can close it when i decide.

Stephen Rockower MD

@PhillipRT @maddad @georgetakei That's true. But if you owned 1/3 of the food of the world and decided to withhold it to some of them, you'd be classified as something worse.

National Meme Board of Alberta 🇨🇦 🇺🇦 🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍⚧️

I’m betting on oligarchy for the slam dunk since nobody seems to be standing up for democracy except the EU

National Meme Board of Alberta 🇨🇦 🇺🇦 🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍⚧️

@vesperto @georgetakei
Sorry, I meant they’re the only non-authoritarian states to start reeling in the tech oligarchs, not broadly undermining the oligarchy as is needed.

Nick A


I would say that relying on a private entity to provide critical infrastructure is bad, regardless if it is one person or not.

Private organizations are motivated by profit first, which is bad for people's welfare no matter the situation.



Currently we are under the belief that TRUMP was our only mistake.


Beyond nationalizing Starlink, I like the idea making it international.


@georgetakei Especially one person that has no democratic legitimation whatsoever.

All this feels like we are stuck in a prequel to "Neuromancer", the title of which could be "The rise of the Megacorps".


@georgetakei there were also demonstration of blowing up old soviet satellite. Blowing one at starlink orbit would render his whole network of satellites unusable with debris. His motives are totally selfish.

Big Head Tales

The US government needs to quickly disentangle us from Musk. He’s unstable, at best, and evidence is mounting of his collusion with enemy forces, especially in Russia.

Mike J👹🐀 🤘🏻

@jef @georgetakei All part of his plan to get the government to save twitter.


If this is true, my opinion of Elon Musk has just improved.

My opinion of you is unchanged: you've usually been pretty clueless, but thanks for relaying the report from Daily Beast, though it is NOT a progressive publication, but pretends well enough to convince those folks who still think Obama is "hope and change".
Here he is just before praising Neil Bush in 2009, shortly after his inauguration.


@georgetakei I have no idea how Starlink would effect Ukraine’s operations, or why Musk would feel the need to shut it off, but the question is a valid one. Providing a service like this, the owner should not be able to turn it off at his whim. I woukd think there would be some level of Govt oversight. 🤔


@georgetakei Finally!!!
But seriously: There ist NOTHING that can bei done...



I'm pretty sure this is the practical definition of "oligarchy" in action. Somebody whose power over governments stems from the amount of money they have, and the control they get through their wealth alone.

And it needs to be illegal.



Exactly, and having the whole world grow to depend on his internet is just a horrible idea.

Human Emulator

@georgetakei I don't have an answer to this, but at what point does doing stuff like this violate the Neutrality Act?

Out of Print Archive

@georgetakei does this scumbag even have a single redeeming quality?
I’m failing to see any at all at this point.



Musk's is a patently false excuse for shutting down Ukrainian access to his proprietary satellite communications and positioning system. It's more probable he simply supports Russia in its war against Ukraine and violated the Logan Act.

It illustrates the high cost the US pays for relying on the private sector for essential infrastructure - which once included twtr.




@georgetakei we are fools to permit billionaires and think any democracy can exist. Beyond silly, a child could see it isn't possible. They are far too dangerous, able to undermine the peoples will and buy our representation. That very fact the media doesn't sound alarm bells over these occurrences tells you owns them, not the people. A true democracy would see this danger and protect against it. people cant grasp how billionaire rule strangles capitalism and democracy in its sleep


@vesperto @georgetakei that is at the heart of it all, we are just too stupid and i mean utterly stupid to realize that. Consider those with even the best intentions having perverse power like that? What you or I might think is right to do for ourselves and those we love, might unintentionally deprive others to such a degree it does harm. Intelligence would understand too much power in the hands neglects too many who have no say. To want to have and wield that power is stupid or wicked.



It's not so much about Elon's craziness (which should be beyond any doubt, by now), it is the general question, whether public infrastructure belongs in private hands or not.

I reckon, there are not many arguments for private ownership, except for "but capitalism is good, socialism is evil".

Rick Mycroft

@georgetakei I have a theory.

At some point, Elon Musk stepped into a teleportation booth, but unknown to him Elon Musk was also in the booth. Now he’s gradually turning into Elon Musk, with horrific results.

Mastodon Migration

@georgetakei This episode raises even more questions. How did Elon know when and where the operation was happening so as to disable communications at the critical moment such that the attack would fail and the drone assets lost? What other operations is he meddling with? Is he sharing any comms or location information gleaned from with the Russians?

jack the nonabrasive

@mastodonmigration @georgetakei

I'm no elmo fan, but if Starlink is used for direct military purposes rather than humanitarian operations, it becomes both a military and sanctions target. Russia has a pretty robust ASAT capability.

Its Not A Hoax ☑️

@mastodonmigration According to this CNN article, the SOB spoke with senior Russian officials, was apparently told about the mission, then turned off Skylink. WTEF is up with him talking to senior Russian officials about the war??? Then he has the nerve to claim he doesn't think Starlink should be involved in a war, when he just got it involved in a war to help the Russians.


@PDFlynn @mastodonmigration

I guarantee that if you or I or any other private citizen were caught palling around with high-level Russian officials or regularly making personal phone calls to Putin the FBI would be kicking down our doors before we even said “До свидания”

And while the general public is just now learning about this, it strains credulity to believe the Biden admin. has remained unaware this whole time. Which raises the question: why on earth haven’t they done anything?

Kitchen Priestess (She/Her)

@mastodonmigration @georgetakei

Of course he's sharing intel with Russia. Of course he's committing treason. He doesn't care.

Eris :trans:

@georgetakei A serious question is "how did Musk know they were launching an attack"? Does he actually hire spies to report on the Ukranian military? If so, that might be a violation of US law and certainly would be a violation of Ukranian law.


@ErisCaffee @georgetakei
Ukrainian military was using Starlink which means that Musk knew what they were doing/saying. No need for spies.

Eris :trans:

@Ferencz @georgetakei
Not quite. Starlink engineers can certainly intercept data sent on their network. That doesn't make it legal to do so. It also doesn't mean it's feasible since I'd bet the UA military uses strong encryption. The simplest explanation is simply that someone in the UA military told him about the attack.

Kent Borg

@georgetakei Almost like Starlink needs to be nationalized.


Well, that was the plot device of several James Bond movies. It stops being funny when it starts being true.

Yakyu Night Owl

@georgetakei Let's contrast your experience with someone who wasn't born here, strode in from a racist hellhole, got a government subsidized lifestyle, and has no concept of American values.

Let's show the contrast, and be really clear about it.

You were born here, Mr. Takei, and were entitled to the rights and privileges of citizenship, and yet.

This lost Belgian needs to know their place.

Lily Star

@georgetakei Billionaires are a National Security threat.


@georgetakei Billionaires are an existential threat to democracy.
Democracies formed because of the concentration of unelected power, this is no different.


@georgetakei or at least a private citizen with no qualifications

Aviva Gary

@georgetakei No... that time was when he was unilaterally doing some crazy crap like buying companies on a whim and the west/us was catering to his every whim...



Just saying...


Elon Musk: The Worlds Smartest Idiot | Just Some Geezer [RE UPLOAD]

John Yates

@georgetakei I think Starlink needs to be taken over by the US Military! At least be under government regulation


Mush didn't invent satellite communication or satellite based Internet. NATO needs to immediately begin implementing their own version of similar technology. Billionaires should not be able to veto military decisions.


@georgetakei Sorry.

One-dimensional & SEVERAL YEARS too late:

the national threat🔴

, & Fake “” on 🔴P❸

P❶, ❷, etc.🔴

③ Appeasing + Fomenting Chaos for 🔴

& vs & 🔴

, Starlink, & 's shady 🔴

@georgetakei Sorry.

One-dimensional & SEVERAL YEARS too late:

the national threat🔴

, & Fake “” on 🔴P❸

P❶, ❷, etc.🔴

③ Appeasing + Fomenting Chaos for 🔴


@georgetakei As it is:

Thanks to the obstructionist virus, favor a felony criminal defendant over the 's own & national 🔴


Less than 1/4 of the nation even cares about national unity let alone 21st Century 🔴

Add that to the whole - cult & questions about 's outsized power & influence become less important to the average nonstrategic .▼


@georgetakei Billionaires are an emergent threat to every country on earth. We are no exception. If something isn’t done to curtail their power, money will determine who lives and who dies.



“It has been interesting, watching your transformation from the electric car guy into a full-fledged piece of shit. @ElonMusk” - Jimmy Kimmel, Twitter, 10/30/2022

Ken Ryan

@georgetakei At the very least, our military & NATO should take note of the hazard of using starlink for any operational purpose.

Extinction Studies

@georgetakei How about not much? How about the mechanisms of elite power be torn to shreds and never again be built?


@georgetakei 18 US code 953 private correspondence with foreign governments.


Time for us all to boycott all things Mus. Including A Twitter.



As a thought experiment, if Musk had thought "Gee I don't want the Russians to be provoked into launching WWIII" and turned the system off, then we owe Elon thanks for the consideration. The point is the wisdom of allowing just one person to decide the fate of ANY system intended to serve many. The true consequence of asking is to see that we should have questioned all along, the creation of "Economic Emperors", for example, why do we allow one {jerk, I have to say} person to dictate no bathroom breaks to 500,000 workers? One guy can with the flick of a finger dispose of hundreds of thousands of collections of tediously constructed social networks, with no accountability?

Asking the question you did asks the implied question: why have we not smashed Capitalism yet?


As a thought experiment, if Musk had thought "Gee I don't want the Russians to be provoked into launching WWIII" and turned the system off, then we owe Elon thanks for the consideration. The point is the wisdom of allowing just one person to decide the fate of ANY system intended to serve many. The true consequence of asking is to see that we should have questioned all along, the creation of "Economic Emperors", for example, why do we allow one {jerk, I have to say} person to dictate...

Kitchen Priestess (She/Her)


Pretty sure it's illegal for civilians to interfere with military operations anyway.

Kevin Karhan :verified:

@shekinahcancook @georgetakei it's not as if there was any contract or guaranteed availability...

Just like with anything else.

Not to mention Starlink's ToS ban use for weapons systems...

There's a reason why shit like are done on dedicaded satellites with dedicaded equipment in dedicaded bands...

I'm pretty shure if Zelenskyy asks his government would get coverage in less than 24 hours with a dedicaded spotbeam on Ukraine...

@shekinahcancook @georgetakei it's not as if there was any contract or guaranteed availability...

Just like with anything else.

Not to mention Starlink's ToS ban use for weapons systems...

There's a reason why shit like are done on dedicaded satellites with dedicaded equipment in dedicaded bands...

Kitchen Priestess (She/Her)

@kkarhan @georgetakei

I hope they can. But the wider point here is no predatory capitalist should be controlling essential national or international infrastructure.


@kkarhan @shekinahcancook @georgetakei This is a geostationary satellite. It can not provide the same low latency as Starlink. Which is essential for remote controlling drones.

Kevin Karhan :verified:

@amayer @shekinahcancook @georgetakei Which is bs because that's how all the Drones get remote-controlled by the USAF...

Or do you really believe drones are that low latency like in CoD to use?

They only have an Iridium Burst backup channel to recieve commands like "fly to coordinates x y @ height z, report back and await orders...

Kevin Karhan :verified:

@amayer @shekinahcancook @georgetakei

I wish I could go into details but based off some former friends experiences, I'd like my door intact, my neck lead-free and my pronouns not non-consensually changed to was/were...

That being said: Read some on or even and then realize that was neither designed nor approved for that useage and explicitly bans in it their ToS - unlike & ...

Kitchen Priestess (She/Her)

@kkarhan @amayer @georgetakei

Funny, if Ukraine can use it, then so can western Russia, I'd guess. Just because he's not advertising it doesn't mean it's not there. And he doesn't seem to be turning it off for them.

Kevin Karhan :verified:

@shekinahcancook @amayer @georgetakei Well, X-Band based MILSATCOM is basically exclusive to MIL/INTEL customers and I'm shure will be allowed to become a customer...

Kevin Karhan :verified:

@shekinahcancook @amayer @georgetakei I'd call Zelenskyy or at least his military & intelligence "criminally stupid" if they didn't already use it...

Kitchen Priestess (She/Her)

@kkarhan @amayer @georgetakei

As you mentioned, it requires funding and cooperation from the other side. We don't know which, if not both, are lacking.

Kevin Karhan :verified: replied to Kitchen Priestess (She/Her)

@shekinahcancook @amayer @georgetakei Shure, but I don't get paid for doing that myself...

Also I'd rather not provide the enemy with tactical info that could be used to jeopardize the success...

Kitchen Priestess (She/Her) replied to Kevin Karhan :verified:

@kkarhan @amayer @georgetakei

If you thought of it, then they did too. But no reason to make it easy for them.


@kkarhan @shekinahcancook @georgetakei So what you are saying is you haven’t seen any of the released footage of the surface drones? Get on YouTube and check. Yes, they are used just like in a video game. They even avoid incoming machine gun fire.

I’ll excuse myself from this discussion now. Have a nice day.

Wendy Lady

@georgetakei bullllllllshit. He is not a military strategist and he needs to stay in his "pretending to be an intelligent tech bro" lane. Shit...he's not even pretending to be that anymore. Devolved into online alt right troll.

Its Not A Hoax ☑️

@georgetakei Wait. They're saying Musk spoke with Russian officials prior to making a decision to turn off Starlink? So, how can he claim Starlink was not meant to be involved in wars when he just involved himself in the war to help the Russians. WTF??

Rhombus Ticks


Or the better question Why is the Most Powerful Man on Warth doing LITERALLY Nothing to stop him?

Toni Aittoniemi

@georgetakei Especially one that drinks the kool-aid of his own platform and clearly has a messiah complex?


@georgetakei starlink needs to be nationalized and the sec needs to take a closer look in to Elon’s businesses, this is embarrassing as a nation and frustrating as hell to watch

Daniel M Stanton

@georgetakei What would Russia nuke to get back at Elon? Or rather, where?


@georgetakei Elon Musk is a TRAITOR to America !! He can take his BAD decisions and all of his $$ and cram it up his ASS !! I’m tired of hearing about this ANTI Amer. IDIOT !!


@georgetakei his ego outweighs his bank balance, which inevitably will cause his downfall. Just a matter of time. He’ll piss off the wrong people. Hope I live to see it.

billy joe bowers is tired.🇺🇦


How much power and influence does it make sense to hand just one extremely stupid and immoral person?



What if the CEO of Raytheon doesn't like the target of a Tomahawk cruise missile? Can he just pull the plug on it??



The first problem I have is why is the US government dealing with Musk? As in why is NASA working with him?
Maybe the federal government should make a point here & end any and all contracts with Musk, then jail him for hate crimes as he permits hate speech on twitter that has led to crimes against people.

Make his bail amount around $500 Billion so he can't make bail and then just let him stop and think about just who he thinks he really is?

Hammer him every way possible!!!


The first problem I have is why is the US government dealing with Musk? As in why is NASA working with him?
Maybe the federal government should make a point here & end any and all contracts with Musk, then jail him for hate crimes as he permits hate speech on twitter that has led to crimes against people.


@georgetakei I'm just fussy but why does every assclown get to launch unlimited satellites w unlimited pollution ? bad enough he gets to do unlimited breeding

Elizabeth Winter

@georgetakei He wants access to lithium mined in Russia. That's what I think, anyhow. Musk thinks he's too damn big & important to be subject to individual nations anyhow. I wish he'd go to Mars and be done with it, dagnabbit!


@georgetakei As a general rule of thumb the answer *must* be "none." Humans as a whole seem to be determined to have one person at the top, but no one person can truly make perfect decisions every time due to, well, being human... Heck, even most things that conceptually imagine a computer in charge often have said computer having multiple parts working together to try to simulate the different parts of humanity.

Hannu Ikonen, MD

@georgetakei Just one fucking idiot white supremacist* at that


@hannu_ikonen @georgetakei
About the same time that Russia was busy cleaning up, uncle Frank had this to say.


@georgetakei will someone please kindly kick him in the balls. I will if I ever meet him. I promise.



Don't look at me. I didn't vote for him.

J.P. Wing


1. No one person should have that much power
2. We don’t need Starlink
3. No one person or company should be blasting so much garbage into orbit around the planet
4. Space Karen is only powerful because of the attention. Stop talking about Space Karen.


@georgetakei if you're only now asking this question then you haven't been fucking paying attention.


I believe the more pressing question is: Does this action make him a foreign agent? And aren't laws in place in the US to forbid foreign entities to handle government contracts such as military hardware launches by SpaceX?

Chris Were 🐧📰🌱☕

@georgetakei Do you think you're still supporting his power and influence by continuing to post on his platform?

Whilst one could argue that you have to soapbox where the people are, doesn't using Twitter just allow Elon to say that Twitter hosts a range of views, further legitimising his platform?


@georgetakei and one who’s clearly blazing the reefer on the reg

Eric Lawton


It's lucky for the world that, if he had to be born, it was in South Africa, so he can't run for POTUS.



@georgetakei When a Trumper orders a worldwide communication system shut down while trying to enact his own personal national policy agenda we have truly reached the bottom of the barrel in allowing the lunatic fringe that much power.
Biden should step in and order the network to remain open.


@georgetakei all good people should get off of Twitter as soon as possible. We don't have to be exclusive to Mastodon, but we need to stop giving Musk clicks.

Ω 🌍 Gus Posey

@georgetakei The question is, why does Elon Musk have any power at all?

(Still on Twitter? You're part of the problem.)

k cavaliere

@georgetakei How did have information about a planned attack with enough detail to know precisely when to switch off communications?

What else was discussed/negotiated with Putin?


@georgetakei I’m pissed off no one asked me about this stuff. I’m just as good at catching feelings as any son of a South African emerald miner.


@georgetakei Quite literally the opening chapter to a James Bond story with Elon as a villain.

Jeff Grigg


"nuclear retaliation" is fearmongering

But a rational reasonable business concern would be that if the Ukraine is using Starlink satellites for military purposes, then this would make Starlink satellites themselves, in low Earth orbit, legitimate military targets for Russia, according to the Geneva Conventions.


@georgetakei musk can attack American military with star link


@georgetakei Nationalize StarLink. It is National Security threat. Otherwise, scrape the satellites out of the sky.

Thomas Lunsford

@georgetakei The story back when he was considering acquiring Twitter was that he was buds with Putin and that he would either use it to do Putin's bidding or just destroy it. Clearly the story was wrong in that the OR should have been an AND.

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