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šŸ§DaveNullšŸ§ ā˜£ļøpResident Evilā˜£

@flying_saucers Dell has their shitty "recommends windows" propaganda to make people believe their computers will somehow "perform better" is they use windows.

HP used to sell laptops without windows, eitheir freeDOS (so no micro$oft tax) or Suse, which just feelsā€¦ too "corporate-setup wonblows" šŸ˜¬

Not sure if that's still true. And some HP laptops are much shittier than othersā€¦

Lenovo is what I have for work, running Debian. Hardware is over-priced and sucks, their USB C [.ā€¦]

@Rush @drizzy

šŸ§DaveNullšŸ§ ā˜£ļøpResident Evilā˜£

@flying_saucers docks suck. DisplayLink protocol (not to be confused with DisplayPort and not Lenovo-specific) suckā€¦

If it means giving money to fund Micro$oft's propaganda through Dell, of buying over-priced shitty hardwareā€¦ No thanks.

And then, what distro with they use? Some bloated Ubuntu with their own "apps" and trackers like windows and android? and charge for it "See, we offer a Linux option, you have no reason to ask for unlocked UEFI/bootloader"ā€¦ Again, no thanks.

@Rush @drizzy

šŸ§DaveNullšŸ§ ā˜£ļøpResident Evilā˜£

@flying_saucers There's no need for having bloated "Linux". It would only convince people it's OK to have locked hardware over which they have 0 control.

BUT buying hardware without micro$oft tax, nor stupid hardware locks, should be possibleā€¦

Just because some people want computers that crash into black/blue screen on the first startup and have to troubleshooter once a week, doesn't mean everyone should pay for ripoffware they don't need and won't use.

@Rush @drizzy

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