@firecat @EU_Commission yes, many gamers do not like it, for reasons have listed. I have personally seen many gamers who were amenable to new competition in the game market space sour on Epic because of their actions and their lacking product category, mnyself being one of thenm. Even if I do not want the PC game market to be solely dominated by Valve, I would not accept its replacement being a company that's so blatantly pro-publisher, anti-consumer and monopoly aspiring. Part of its problems are exacerbated by Steam's market share, but many are self inflicted effects as being the "exclusive cash advance store" for publishers and "free game launcher" for users. Neither take it seriously.

I'm concerned as to itch's future, but it seems to have a niche of experimentation and indie games, with some full releases as well (not nearly as large as even GOG though :/). I've heard that some developers have complained about it lacking features like auto updating though. But what do you mean "rejected by Valve" ?