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@firecat @EU_Commission Steam is still the most gamer friendly and game creators friendly app tho, it is definitely not a monopoly by force, it's just that incredibly good


@Kulei @EU_Commission well no, Steam has gotten into 5 ongoing lawsuits. EU geo-lock is the big one. American lawsuit filed by indie developer for monopoly that is approved by judge. French lawsuit seeks to make resold digital gaming legal. Valve got trouble on AU laws for not offering refunds for years.

This should tell you that Valve will not make gaming better, they do not care about customers and will break laws for profit.


@firecat @EU_Commission Good that lawsuits are forcing Steam to become better. I have no doubts that even with all those shortcomings it's still the best digital gaming platform to ever exist. Even the best digital platform overall (assuming it can be compared with other things like bullshit subscriptions everywhere, streaming services and such)

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