For #searchability:
⬆️ #EU qualifies as #gatekeepers & wants to regulate
#Social: #TikTok, #Facebook, #Instagram, #LinkedIn
Intermediation: #GoogleMaps, #GooglePlay, #GoogleShopping, #AmazonMarketplace, #Apple's #AppStore, #MetaMarketplace, [#MicrosoftAdvertising*]
Messaging: #WhatsApp, #Messenger, [#iMessage*]
Video: #Youtube
Ads: #GoogleAds, #Amazon, #Meta
Browser: #Chrome, #Safari, [#Edge*]
Operating system: #Android, #iOS, #Windows
[* under investigation]
"In addition, the #EU Commission has concluded that, although #Gmail, and #SamsungInternetBrowser meet the thresholds under the DMA to qualify as a #gatekeeper, #Alphabet, #Microsoft
and #Samsung provided sufficiently justified arguments showing that these services do not qualify as gateways for the respective core platform services. [...] It follows that Samsung is not designated as gatekeeper with respect to any core platform service."