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Rev. GothAlice

@EU_Commission As a strange aside, I wrote software for iOS around iOS 1.4, prior to the existence of an official SDK (Software Development Kit). It wasn't that difficult, and there wasn't even an App Store at the time.

Though there were already alternatives, such as the Cydia front-end for APK. And they still exist, so does Apple already pass muster on that front?

You have also been able to remove pre-installed applications, just like third-party installed ones, for some time.

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Rev. GothAlice

But, of course, now we're entering into the age of iOS devices needing anti-virus software. Bloody genius. This is not the future I anticipated nor desired.

(Having the 'root' account's password, in the early days, be the word "alpine" was already a joke. We'll see how the device security around custom app stores goes. It didn't go well early on, with botnets spreading across wireless carrier networks after people jailbroke their devices and failed to secure them.)

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