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@Rush @EU_Commission they are part of the problem with today’s gaming. They can and have censored games that weren’t bad. Visual Novels games are getting banned and Japan thinks Valve is races for blocking popular well known Visual Novels titles. Valve controls the numbers you see on download, player stats and reviews. They removed their API data & made websites like steamSPY unavailable to be used.

Valve is not trying to be a good company. It’s trying to gatekeep all games in their own website


@firecat @Rush @EU_Commission While Steam is the biggest PC gaming marketplace, they already allow you to use different stores and third-party software on the Steam Deck (they don’t control your PC anyway). Any other console would have forced you to use their store only. I wouldn’t call that gatekeeping. You’re free to install the “banned” visual novels from another store or from the publisher directly and play it on your PC or the Steam Deck.


@GlowingLantern @Rush @EU_Commission that is one of the major problems. Publishers and developers will not upload or use other sites. They exist yes but looking through their eyes, playerbase is dead set on having the game on steam, not anywhere else. Also, legally handing those payments isn’t cheap or easy for anyone.

Developers and publishers have little choice, they lose money or they lose respect from the community.

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