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Dick Smiths Fair Go Supporters

This is actually great! What are the penalties, random blocking of the services at the network level?

Although we prefer the term #technoFeudalists to describe these entities (and entities, T'site Buyer, Akamai, Oracle, Alibaba, and Tencent which appear to be absent in the legislation), the term '#gatekeepers' is a fairly good indictment.

(EDIT: Removed M$ from above after double-check)


@dsfgs @EU_Commission first train with the worse, prepare and hone juridic arsenal. And then all of the other at once ! #i wish

Dick Smiths Fair Go Supporters


It sounds like the Digital Feudalism Counter Action (DFCA) notifier and firewall might be of interest to people here.

Basically it allows linux users to block the above gatekeepers from their computer, no matter where in the world or what Wifi connection they are using:

You're welcome.

Dick Smiths Fair Go Supporters

Degrade in some manner, the #encrypted icon for #HTTPS, and warn the user when entering sensitive data to a website, when a site is #reverseProxied or served by "#gatekeepers" (and #CloudGlare must be included as a gatekeeper).

The first three browsers to implement are rewarded €8,000. The best example after in 6 months should receive €30,000.

#webBrowsers #encryption

Bart Willeman

@dsfgs @EU_Commission Penalties can be up to 10% of WORLD WIDE revenues in year 1. Year 2 and onwards up to 20%.

Dick Smiths Fair Go Supporters

@EU_Commission @bart
Thanks. Unfortunately, this gets into the '#costOfDoingBusiness' realm, which is unlikely to deter the technoFeudalists much.

They may pretend to care but they secretly won't.

They get money printed, to extract from us. That is their business model, so when they are threatened with fines all that does is increase #inflation.

tl/dr: We still lose, #EU just cashes in. Blocking the technoFeudalist at the network level should be considered as part of a comprehensive strategy.

@EU_Commission @bart
Thanks. Unfortunately, this gets into the '#costOfDoingBusiness' realm, which is unlikely to deter the technoFeudalists much.

They may pretend to care but they secretly won't.

They get money printed, to extract from us. That is their business model, so when they are threatened with fines all that does is increase #inflation.

Bart Willeman

@dsfgs @EU_Commission normally I would agree with you. But when you talk potentially 20% of world wide turnover# there is no business that can justify this to their shareholders IMHO.

No, the EU is doing the right thing and companies will comply. Within the letter of the law that is....

Dick Smiths Fair Go Supporters

@EU_Commission @bart

> within the letter of the law

Is there a link to the law that is actually accessible via TorBrowser?

> companies will comply
Well, it could be that the 'writing is on the wall' and the dotCons know their time is up on these issues anyway, but good for the EU for doing this even if they are a decade or so too late. Arguably, a bigger issue today is that #foss or even open-source firmware is not available for so-called #smartphones today, anyway.

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