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Phil Thane ✅

@EU_Commission So if the UK hadn't left the EU I could "take back control"© of my phone and tab from Alphabet/Google. But thanks to Brexit freedoms Google are free to control my phone and tab. Next time some smooth talking politician offers you a referendum on something you know nothing about, stay home. Brexit was caused by the devious misleading the gullible.

Simon Müller :sparkles_trans:

@pthane To be fair, I believe that some Eu-related stuff is still being enforced in the UK, like the GDPR, so if you're lucky this may hopefully make it's way over there too

Phil Thane ✅

@Rush I hope so but the govt seems very keen to ditch as much existing EU law as possible, can't see them being keen to take on new regulations.

Simon Müller :sparkles_trans:

@pthane that holds some truth to it

it's a shame, even to someone outside the country, to see what is happening regarding privacy and consumer rights in the UK. :nkoNotLikeThis:

Rhombus Ticks

@pthane @EU_Commission

if a conservative is speaking a conservative is lying

Phil Thane ✅

@rticks @EU_Commission Trouble is many people, including most of my neighbours and even my wife believe them. Telling her she's been conned is not good for family harmony.

Rhombus Ticks

@pthane @EU_Commission

I no longer waste my time convincing the memetically infected they are, I just block or avoid

I have siblings who believe these lies but only interact w the occasional email

You have my sympathies


@rticks @pthane haven't spoken to my brother for 5.5yrs...


@pthane I suggest writing to the president of France and intimating that you'd like him to stage a Norman reconquest.

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