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Darius Kazemi

I have set up a Postmarks server (federated bookmarks by @casey) !

You can follow my bookmarks here: @bookmarks

You can read more about the project here:

Wiley Wiggins

@darius @casey @bookmarks this seems cool! I’ve been stuck using Pocket for a long time because I have a Rube Goldberg style ifttt thing set up with dropbox and pocket to post favorited bookmarks on a Jekyll blog, but I’m afraid of all the commercial services I depend on and I’m a slightly better programmer now, so I wonder if I could recreate my pipeline with no commercial stuff…

Bharath M. Palavalli

@darius This looks super cool, thanks for making Postmarks @casey! Having been a long time user, I've setup a system with self-hosted Wallabag and Shaarli for myself, but this seems like a nice replacement for Shaarli.

Dave Lane 🇳🇿

@darius wow, many thanks for posting that - I've been hoping for such a combination of bookmarking & #ActivityPub for ages! Investigating further. @casey


@darius @casey This looks awesome, thanks for sending the link.

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