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While working on Stories I discovered a moderation oversight.

So when I first built the report feature in @pixelfed, I made it polymorphic so it could be used by future features along with Post and Profile reports.

When I built Stories, I added Story Reports, but I never updated the admin dashboard to be able to handle them, you can Ignore them on the mobile app but this isn’t ideal.

Luckily we haven’t had any Story reports yet, but I’m going to quickly fix the dashboard so admins can handle


@pixelfed Glad I was the one to discover this, a fix will be published soon!

We have a pretty good reputation with regards to moderation tools and I'm really sorry about this.


@pixelfed Okay now this is much better!

Will be rolling this out shortly after I finish the backend logic 😎

Emelia 👸🏻

@dansup @pixelfed the letterboxing on the canvas that is the story is a bit weird here.. given stories tend to be portrait & in mobile-phone-screen sizes.

I suspect you'll need to make the layout polymorphic based on the content type reported.

E.g., maybe a wider modal with two columns, left for viewing the story, right for the report, report history/comments, and actioning it.


@thisismissem @pixelfed Yeah, this photo was uploaded via desktop and wasn't resized. I need to fix that

DHeadshot's Alt

Shouldn't there be a button to communicate with the account to warn them or something?


@ddlyh @pixelfed That is planned for our upcoming Gates and Roles feature!

We used to show interstitial warnings, but when we migrated to a SPA arch, that implementation no longer worked properly.

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