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Fruity Mercury :catjam:

@aral the shit part is that if they don't do it, lots of people won't buy their product.

In my country (idk how it is elsewhere), banking or government apps literally will not work unless you have them installed through the app store (which ok you can spoof if you know what you're doing but same argument as changing OS applies) and/or unless you have Google Play Services. It's a huge issue for google-free custom OS users too.

It's a damned if they do, damned if they don't type situation

1 comment
Aral Balkan

@EchteNachtraaf They have a social mission. They’ve got Waag. They’ve got the guy who made his millions with his ISP who funds them. They could fight it. Invest in the software side of things. Sacrifice short-term sales to at least start paving a way forward that doesn’t involve Google.

(But when I spoke to their aforementioned money guy back in the day he just didn’t care about the free/open source side of it. He was obsessed with it being a commerical success. So here we are.)

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