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CatSalad🐈🥗 (D.Burch) :blobcatrainbow:

OOO Message Idea:

I will be out of the office from xxxx to xxxx. All received emails, including this one, are permanently deleted.

Elias Mårtenson

@catsalad I mean, it's what happens in many cases, is it not? Haven't wee all been back from a multi-week vacation, faced with a huge dump of emails and dropped it in a separate mailbox, never to be opened again, with the assumption that if it was important they'll send another email.

Xavier «X» Santolaria :verified_paw: :donor:

@catsalad That's pretty much what happens to a lot of people, for extended time off :bloblaugh:​ 🙈


@catsalad More or less the same but with a "soft touch" I guess: All received emails are marked as read 🤪


@catsalad I've seen such an OOO message, although it had 2 additional sentences: 1: if it can't wait until I return from vacation, please contact XXX and 2: if it is still relevant when I'm back in office, please email me again.

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