Please repeat to get eyes on this:

Back in April 15th of 1998, a fan site known as "VX Half-Life" (later known as HalfLife Dot Org) released a video of their trip to Valve Software during Half-Life's development.

This video is LOST! Only bits and pieces of the video have survived throughout the years.

So I'm asking YOU data hoarders and folk who had the hindsight to make backups of your data, do you possibly have this video? Does anyone know anyone who may have kept this video? Does anyone know the people involved in the creation of this video? Does anyone know people who may have worked at GameStats who would of kept a server backup with the file present?

Attached is the only surviving minute of the video and some screen caps of the video from the archived site.

Known Filenames:
valvevisit.avi (46625 kb) (7085 kb)
mvc-006f.jpg (screen cap of the video from preview.html)

Written Preview:

preview2.html through preview5.html were not archived.