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Fedi.Tips šŸŽ„

Server admins!

If you're creating custom emoji, remember to fill in the section marked "Shortcode" with a short text description of the emoji. Blind people's screen reader software will be able to read the shortcode aloud so that they can hear what the emoji is.

If the emoji's shortcode includes multiple words, split them up with underscores like_this or CamelCase, so that screen readers will be able to read each word correctly.

#FediTips #FediAdmin #MastoAdmin #Mastodon #Accessibility

U.S. Elaine

@feditips I often see the descriptive text instead of the emojis used by Styx, so I assume the custom made ones can only be seen on their instance of origin. Is that correct?

Fedi.Tips šŸŽ„


No, you can normally see custom emoji regardless of where they were made.

For example you should be able to see this custom emoji :catto_blush:

The only restriction on custom emoji is that you have to be on their origin server to use them in your own posts.

U.S. Elaine

@feditips I see colon catto blush colon. Iā€™m using Ivory. Does that make a difference?

Fedi.Tips šŸŽ„


Ahhh, it might be that Ivory still has trouble with custom emoji. You should be able to see it if you use a different app.

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