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Currently working on the dashboard, making it easier for me to manage our server directory.

Although I'm the only person who ever uses this, I wanted to share this so you can see how I have to balance my time between core dev, app dev and ecosystem dev.

I know the app store launch is important, and is my main priority, but at the same time, our ecosystem depends on services/tools like these.

It's all about balance 😎

crowbar :antiverified:

@dansup how do you have the energy to work on all this stuff?


@crowbar I've been obsessed with social networks since I was a teenager in the mid 00's

It's taken a lot of hard work and failures to get to this point, this is like a dream, I'm so lucky and I guess that passion is what drives me

crowbar :antiverified:

@dansup how many people do you have working on it with you?

crowbar :antiverified:

@dansup That’s what I thought, you’re like a one-man dynamo, Dan Superman or something


@crowbar haha thanks

pixelfed is over 5 years old now though, many of these things are coming together at the same time, so it looks like I'm doing so much but really it's years worth of work culminating towards a perfect storm of progress before our viral moment (fingers crossed)

Jon Lindemann

@dansup Tooling is HIGHLY underrated. You can build it, but without having tools to maintain it you're pretty much hosed. You'll wind up building them regardless to save your sanity.


@dansup doesn’t it go against the fediverse idea that one person controls the more or less central hub of such a part of the system? (The directory/listings)

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