There are tunnels, and there is this... It seems to be in China.
@HeyLaiverd @Edwin085 That's the neat part: they don't (do so fast). Just don't stop. 😁 @sjaakkeuvelaar @Edwin085 China. These are karst rock mountains. Also, the flag on the car's dashboard could be an indication ;) @ElBeeToots @Edwin085 @ElBeeToots @Edwin085 ... Especially if the oncoming traffic is an articulated container truck! @Edwin085 @frankiesaxx I'm inclined to guess China. On the blue sign at the entrance, the top row might consist of chinese letters. Also, sometimes a red flag(?) on top of the dashboard comes into view; near the end some yellow stars are recognizeable on it; might be the chinese flag. And the road signs do look similar enough to the chinese design, except that the direction signs inside the tunnel are black/white instead of blue/white. ( @anathem @Edwin085 @frankiesaxx A good point about the direction signs - especially since they are blue/white if you look closely (but yeah, black/white on first impression) @frankiesaxx @Edwin085 No way - there are absolutely no safety mechanism in place. I don't know Norwegian standards regarding tunnel safety, but I doubt that they would allow such a maze without ventilation, safety lights, surveillance cameras and emergency exits. @Edwin085 Mother of God, where is this? Can't imagine this tunnel is open to the general public @Edwin085 Looks like "China" is the correct answer: @bud_t @ingalls @Edwin085 @BakerRL75 Even more concerning... there appear to be many paved caves with roads through them. This one is in NSW, Australia here (not the one above) - Jenolan Caves:,150.019201/@-33.81953229,150.0220408,792.73114014a,0d,60y,78.91511563h,92.36631193t,0r/data=CloaMBIqGTwGddvP6EDAIZ1hakudwGJAKhYtMzMuODE4ODQzMywxNTAuMDE5MjAxGAEgASImCiQJDss_B1ffNEARfMLEf0TfNEAZZFdvU6-VY8Ah9l8wgLGVY8AiGgoWWUVhUHZnUm9UTmhNa2ZLMlNRdXNxURAC @bud_t @ingalls @Edwin085 @BakerRL75 Google Street View cameras not working so well in the cave, following a (!) tour bus. @bud_t @ingalls @Edwin085 @BakerRL75 Not this drive through cave, either (in France, Mas d'Azil Cave),1.35637491,308.79330444a,0d,60y,249.72330829h,102.45709952t,0r/data=CnwaUhJMCiUweDEyYWYyZjVjYjhkOGMyM2Q6MHg1MzIwODhiNjhlY2NkM2JlGUS7r2_MiEVAIeBoIscxrfU_KhFNYXMgZCdBemlsIGdyb3R0ZRgBIAEiJgokCXYzp9UV6EDAEWo-hjuz6UDAGYSq0S7ywGJAIXIc4Mt-wGJAIhoKFkViSEladGNCTHFQMTFMbXI4MzdiZUEQAg @ai6yr Then of course there is Natural Tunnel in Virginia, which carries a rail line through a cave the era those cars were being dumped in there (rather than correctly processing them as scrap metal and recycling whatever could be reused) ties in with exactly when Thatcho's government was trying to promote the Welsh Development Board and lots of industries (mostly manufacturing and tech) setting up in Wales - all seeking short term profit without giving a shit about the environment or anything else.. @ai6yr @bud_t @ingalls @Edwin085 @BakerRL75 Why is that concerning? The Jenolan Caves road/tunnel is designed to handles buses (source: me, who took a bus there the only time I've visited) @ingalls @Edwin085 @BakerRL75 @ai6yr possibly one of these roads in China, or a similar one? @Edwin085 It looks like "Tal der Dämmerung"/"Valley of Twilight" in Michael Ende’s Jim Knopf! @Edwin085 I spent the entire video looking out for banana peels and wandering turtle shells. Please tell me you understand and I'm not the only one. What a trip! Where is this? And is it a one-way tunnel or is there a chance that you "bump into" oncoming vehicles? @Edwin085 What I want to know is, does that tunnel go through the mountain or is the exit 10 meters away from the entry 😜 @Edwin085 This is in Spain. The village is La Cuevona. @Edwin085 holy crap! The funny thing is, I'd gladly do that with a bike. But in a car, even a small one? Panic attack! @Edwin085 even on a motorcycle that would be terrifying but fun. And air quality would be horrid. Definitely something to see though @reprapryn @Edwin085 Nah... If there weren't any ICE emissions from the vehicles this sort of cave usually breathes quite well. (The bats wouldn't be hanging out here otherwise.) Is that in Iceland? Because I drove through one in northern Iceland very like that. @jackwilliambell @Edwin085 Completely the wrong scenery for Iceland though. Way too much greenery Too many trees certainly. But I was there in summer; quite green in many places. And I was in a few places with both natural and planted tree cover. It's not like they don't have *any* trees. For example, there's a big lake in the north with a forest of leafy trees like in the video around half of it. [fires up maps] Ahh, 'Myvatn'. @jackwilliambell @Edwin085 It's the ground cover more than the trees tbh. At the end, it's lush, much more so than anywhere I've been in Iceland I'll admit 'lush' is not a word that applies to most of Iceland. There are a few spots with a lot of vegetation, but 'few' is the operative word. Most of the place barely has enough vegetation to support the omnipresent sheep. So, I'll concede the point. It *could be* Iceland, but it's *not at all likely to be* Iceland. That said, the tunnel I'm thinking of was in a less green spot. It was near the ocean and the vegetation was moss and grass. Also the tunnel only had places in the middle where it looked like a raw volcanic tube; the entrances and sections inside were more 'engineered'. @Edwin085 yes now you too can fulfill your deep desire to drive a car through the tunnels on Disneyland's Tom Sawyer Island attraction. Whoa. One has the feeling that you could make one wrong turn in there and never be seen again. Come out in the legendary Water Margins of Liang Shan Po or something. @jasmijn02 @Edwin085 Ah. Prachtig. Ik heb de Picos de Europa tweemaal bewandeld. Dat moet daar ook ergens in de buurt zijn: Noord-Spanje, maar dan wat zuidelijker. @Blogfeedser @Edwin085 ook heel mooi! Zo wil ik ook nog eens naar de Extremadura, prachtige foto's van gezien <3 Maar met de trein wat lang reizen. @Blogfeedser @Edwin085 Ben overigens wel eens met de trein naar Noord-Oost Spanje gegaan. Nou ja, beetje gesmokkeld: de Thalys naar Zuid-Frankrijk (6 uurtjes reizen) en het laatste stuk naar Spanje met een huurauto. Dat was nog wel te doen. @Edwin085 Looks like (mostly) natural cave passage that they blasted open just wide enough to make a vehicle-sized tunnel. (As a caver, this makes me sad.) But I don't get the terror here... Is it because it's just a single lane? (Not clear here whether it's intended to be one-way usage or not) @Edwin085 @RonJeffries and then you come across The Fellowship of the Ring who believe you and your glowing eyes are a dragon… @Edwin085 |
@Edwin085 I'd be terrified to *walk* that, let alone drive...