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CrimethInc. Ex-Workers

Memories from Saint-Imier, 1872 to 2023

In July 2023, some 5000 anarchists gathered in Saint-Imier, Switzerland for a week of events commemorating the anniversary of the establishment of the first international anti-authoritarian labor federation. Here, we explore that history and present a variety of accounts and appraisals from anarchists who came from around the world to participate this year.


@CrimethInc Such a long text and not a word about poor accessibility and the ableist, and ultimately even eugenicist way the gathering was organized, which prevented many immuno-compromised and chronically ill people from even attending. (the extra food line for mask wearers was a cynical joke. And the way you wrote about it is pure ableism. You wrote: "a special section for people who still want to use masks and maintain social distancing". "Want" is the absolute wrong word here, some of us "must" still wear masks, and if you need to keep "want" in there, we "must" wear them because not enough of you ableist assholes still "want" to wear them in oder to protect and include us).

And in your text there is not a mention of the anarcho-capitalist, conspiracist, right-wing libertarian bullshit that was present at the gathering. (At least one of the main organizers is a right wing libertarian, who was active in the anti-masker protests here).

But read bellow.

I was right to call the anarchist movement dead as a movement. And it has died in Saint-Imier in 2023.

#Anarchy2023 #Ableism #Anarchy

@CrimethInc Such a long text and not a word about poor accessibility and the ableist, and ultimately even eugenicist way the gathering was organized, which prevented many immuno-compromised and chronically ill people from even attending. (the extra food line for mask wearers was a cynical joke. And the way you wrote about it is pure ableism. You wrote: "a special section for people who still want to use masks and maintain social distancing". "Want" is the absolute wrong word here, some of us "must"...


"Eugenicist"? Come on! 🙄

The ancap that remained was famously booed out of their own workshop.


@anarchiasl Who dies when there are no covid protections? Usually the disabled. So yes, eugenicist. Think it through.

And one of the main organisers was/is an ancap who retweets a video of RFKjr, in which he compares Fauci to Dr. Mengele:


[source screenshot ⚠️]


@CrimethInc You write:

"Rather than debating COVID-19 safety protocol, some would discuss how to create artificial scarcity in access to medical treatment as a means of increasing profits while others studied how to use lockdowns as a pretext to crush dissent."

It is really quite simple. If you do not want to debate COVID-19 safety protocol you exclude many people from attending and are therefore an ableist, and can therefore not claim to be an anarchist.

And here's the solution, it's just as simple: You can debate COVID-19 protocols to find an inclusive consensus that allows disabled and chronically ill people to attend. AND at the very same time you can debate how the state misused lockdowns to crush disent and how scarcity in medical supplies made certain parts of industry filthy rich.

This is NOT mutually exclusive.

But having no COVID-19 protocol excludes people from attending.

@CrimethInc You write:

"Rather than debating COVID-19 safety protocol, some would discuss how to create artificial scarcity in access to medical treatment as a means of increasing profits while others studied how to use lockdowns as a pretext to crush dissent."

It is really quite simple. If you do not want to debate COVID-19 safety protocol you exclude many people from attending and are therefore an ableist, and can therefore not claim to be an anarchist.

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