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@splitletters @cabel As a Canadian, I find this confusing. I think I’ve only ever heard it called Mac and Cheese. What do other Canadians call it?


@alextm @cabel ........Kraft Dinner?

I genuinely don't believe you're Canadian if you don't know that, that's like being a German who hasn't heard of schnitzel, or an American who hates apple pie

Cabel Sasser

@splitletters @alextm See also Barenaked Ladies, “If I Had $1,000,000” (1992)

@splitletters @cabel Ok, yeah, now I remember hearing that as a kid. I haven’t heard it in years though, but I did live outside of Canada for a long time.


@splitletters @alextm @cabel

<laughing> In our house it has been "KD" for so long I had to stop and think about this one!

Nick Frühling

@splitletters @cabel Seeing @alextm is in Vancouver actually makes sense because it’s a regionalism that only applies to everyone else in Canada

Map of Canada showing how Vancouver and Victoria refers to it as Mac & Cheese while almost everywhere east calls it Kraft Dinner instead

@nickfruhling @splitletters @cabel You mean I just really might be an actual Canadian after all? ;)

Thanks for this map, it makes sense. I grew up in Ontario (where I would have heard it as a kid), moved to Germany (where “mac and cheese” isn’t a thing because käsespätzle exists), then came back to Canada, but Vancouver.

Regionalism in language is really interesting. I’ve changed a few of mine over the years (“pop” became “soda” at some point that I didn’t consciously notice!)

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