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Justin Derrick

@SmudgeTheInsultCat I don't think there are any earth-shattering changes to the things I learned in high school. Math is still math, chemistry is still chemistry, physics is still physics. Hell, even 'keyboarding' hasn't changed since we're still all using QWERTY keyboards.

The only thing I can think of off the top of my head is that we have a few more answers to questions (Higgs Boson, pictures of extra-solar planets) that we didn't have before.


@JustinDerrick @SmudgeTheInsultCat Off the top of my head, in the field of Cellular Biology, I was taught the Endoplasmic Reticulum and the Golgi Bodies were separate structures but both involved in protein synthesis. Now we know the ER and GB are the same structure, the ER is viewed in a longitudinal section and the GB is viewed in a cross section.


@JustinDerrick You didn't do humanities or social sciences in school?
And apparently you did not go very deep on any subject. Ah, the blessings of the US school system!

Justin Derrick

@carl @SmudgeTheInsultCat 1). Itā€™s high schoolā€¦. Itā€™s meant to be an introduction & overview. 2). Iā€™m Canadian, and as such, attended school in Canada. 3). I preferred the math & science track, so I chose those for my electives.

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