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Jesse Baer 🔥

I feel like it's time to re-up this call. I think there is a critical need for structures to discuss design and social aspects of the fediverse. Stuff that is inclusive, that centers BIPOC, women, trans folks, disabled people, and other marginalized identities, that doesn't elevate tech people above non tech people. Not just unconferences either. A publication would be great. Regular "hangouts". Hit me with your ideas!

Clifford Adams

I think this is a good idea, but I am concerned that some people will consider this as a way to overturn existing governance/power structures in current projects. Something like: "Our group has decided X must be done, so the coders of project Y must do X."

I believe it is better to directly work with (or against) the present systems first. Like "We want project Y to commit to following the decisions of our group." Or "We are forking project Z to make these governance changes."

Jesse Baer 🔥

@wikicliff Hmm… I guess I don’t see that as a big danger with the kind of thing I had in mind… much more a general forum for exploring ideas and making proposals, not tied to any particular code base. Of course, if people want to get aggressive and take over things, that’s always a possibility, but I’m not really sure why it would be more a danger here?

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