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Clifford Adams

I think this is a good idea, but I am concerned that some people will consider this as a way to overturn existing governance/power structures in current projects. Something like: "Our group has decided X must be done, so the coders of project Y must do X."

I believe it is better to directly work with (or against) the present systems first. Like "We want project Y to commit to following the decisions of our group." Or "We are forking project Z to make these governance changes."

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Jesse Baer 🔥

@wikicliff Hmm… I guess I don’t see that as a big danger with the kind of thing I had in mind… much more a general forum for exploring ideas and making proposals, not tied to any particular code base. Of course, if people want to get aggressive and take over things, that’s always a possibility, but I’m not really sure why it would be more a danger here?

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