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2 posts total
Jesse Baer 🔥

Collecting anecdotes, data, and anecdata on people and orgs who’ve left Twitter and found higher engagement from ostensibly fewer followers. This is in preparation for a renewed pitch to the org I’m in, to begin the process of x-trication. Boosts appreciated!

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@misc : it is in French, but in those two pieces, I explain, with examples, how the followers count is mostly a lie and how people got a lot more engagement on Mastodon (taking the example of a Signal message)

Valerie Aurora

@misc @dmarti I had 7000 “followers” on the bird site; by the time I had 700 followers on mastodon I had more and better reach/engagement. I saw a lot of people share a similar factor of 10 amplification over Twitter. Makes sense; it was obvious that the majority of my and everyone else’s follower count on Twitter was bots

Hilton Travis

@misc Yup. Twitter was well killed by the Elongated Muskrat...

Jesse Baer 🔥

I want "unconference" type things — physical and virtual — that intentionally include Mastodon users who want to hack on it but aren’t coders. With help getting started with skill building, and lots of discussion on community design, management, & moderation. I really believe this is a big part of the way forward.

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Just saw this and been having similar thoughts!!! Lets make it so!

Jesse Baer 🔥

I feel like it's time to re-up this call. I think there is a critical need for structures to discuss design and social aspects of the fediverse. Stuff that is inclusive, that centers BIPOC, women, trans folks, disabled people, and other marginalized identities, that doesn't elevate tech people above non tech people. Not just unconferences either. A publication would be great. Regular "hangouts". Hit me with your ideas!

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