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@exchgr i am not sure if you are talking about a specific system but for, let's say, chatgpt; if i ask it to solve a programming problem it often replies with a quite Nice solution,. Sure, it does not know that i am a programmer but infers it from my prompt.
The communication is very effective in that it helps me find a solution.
But maybe that is not what you are reffering to?

elle mundy

@Androiders that is what i’m referring to. for me, it’s almost never right, or worse, it’s plausible but fundamentally incorrect in a way that wastes more time than if i just read the docs


@exchgr yeah i get it. It is probably hugely biased in ways no one knows until it is used a lot.


@exchgr oh wait, you mean for programming too?


@exchgr The Times i have used it it has helped me. I probably wouldnt use it when i need "expert" advice tough. So yeah, maybe it is exactly the case you stated in the first post😄

elle mundy

@Androiders it’s not really biased per se, it’s just jumbling up a bunch of words in statistically likely ways. and it’s scraping the web, for those words, so whatever biases it appears to have are really just those of writers on the web


@exchgr yes, that was a better way of expressing the bias

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