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4 posts total
elle mundy

calling an LLM intelligent is like calling a soundsystem talented

elle mundy

effective communication requires knowing something about your audience. AI knows nothing about its audience

Brian Dear

@exchgr Way I see it, AI is exactly like a corporation; its 'audience' is its [in the case of AI, VC] shareholders. Not customers or end-users.

Effective communication doesn't seem to be a priority for AI projects. Rapid expansion of the user/customer base, aka, doing a land-grab, seems to be the priority.

The whole thing reeks of a mindless (meat- as well as silicon-based) gold rush, imho.


@exchgr i am not sure if you are talking about a specific system but for, let's say, chatgpt; if i ask it to solve a programming problem it often replies with a quite Nice solution,. Sure, it does not know that i am a programmer but infers it from my prompt.
The communication is very effective in that it helps me find a solution.
But maybe that is not what you are reffering to?

elle mundy

who called it object oriented programming and not class struggle

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Paolo Redaelli

Because OOP was never centered on classes but on messaging between objects. Classes is a typing taxonomy


@exchgr not sure but my code is often dysfunctional


@exchgr I guess the prototype was really based, or something.

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