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Andrew Tropin

The funny things about really good software projects, that sometimes they are so good and complete already that there is no fuss around them, they just work and do the job done.

Mailing lists are quite, new commits are rare. Sometimes it can even feels that they are unmaintained or dead, but in fact they are more than alive.

What other cool "almost complete" projects do you know?

#notmuch #pass #wireguard

Yann Büchau :nixos:

@abcdw Indeed. Though I think about adding :gitannex: #gitAnnex support to #pass. Putting the gpg-encrypted password files into git directly is not so great. I guess the script could be made to auto-detect if the repo has an annex and then use git annex add instead of git add when appropriate.

Andrew Tropin

@nobodyinperson Sounds good.

I have a task to learn more about git annex on my todo list for a long time, but didn't get to it yet.

I see a recording of your workshop on it published a few days ago, but unfortunately my Deutsch is too bad to watch it meaningfully :)

Yann Büchau :nixos:

@abcdw Yeah I guess I'll do a resync in English at some point when I find the time.

Fabio Natali at #37c3


That's a great point and I very much agree on your list, those would be my top choices too indeed.

Other projects that come to mind: #borg, #borgmatic, #autossh - not implying that they're not actively developed, just that they feel like solid components that I tend to set up and then rarely interact with.

A bit more low-level and niche, but same for: #isync, #msmtp, #direnv.


That's a great point and I very much agree on your list, those would be my top choices too indeed.

Other projects that come to mind: #borg, #borgmatic, #autossh - not implying that they're not actively developed, just that they feel like solid components that I tend to set up and then rarely interact with.

Chucho :gnu: :freedo: :guix:

@abcdw The one I don't use is notmutch and it was because I didn't take the time to learn but now you posted this I got interest on it.

Andrew Tropin

@jrballesteros05 Definitely give it a shot. It's a great piece of software. Also, there are a lot of articles and videos on the topic.



#pass #passwordstore
1. it is very hard to communicate using mailing list and not modern github.
2. #pass is used as best practice for other implementations like #gopass, because no
3. no An open standard that is openly accessible and usable by #gopass, #prs #PassSimple for example

- How would you recommend username field in pass YAML - "username" mybe "ueer name"or just "user"
- how should public keys folder be named ".public_keys" or maybe other name...


#pass #passwordstore
1. it is very hard to communicate using mailing list and not modern github.
2. #pass is used as best practice for other implementations like #gopass, because no
3. no An open standard that is openly accessible and usable by #gopass, #prs #PassSimple for example

Andrew Tropin

@shemeshg Sorry, I can't understand what you are trying to communicate by this message.



It’s not that #pass #Passwordtore is complete; rather, it is very challenging to improve it due to ineffective communication channels. (it is not available on GitHub). also no formal standard that would standardize the different implementations of Pass, (GoPass,..)

The lack of a clear anchor on how to modify derivative projects can make the process even more difficult.

==>hypothetically Moving pass to github will yield countless PRs and requests for changes and improvements.



in other words:
I disagree with the hypothesis that when a program reaches a low frequency of changes, it means it is more mature or complete.

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