The ad industry spoiled TV and radio experience. The ad industry spoiled the Internet experience. The ad industry must disappear.
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I am a beginner Guix user, I love Free Software philosophy and I apply as much as I can, even for work.A bit obsessed with KISS principle but getting less obsessed with the time. I like configuring servers and doing labs on GNU/Linux. I like data science but I am too bad for it but I am pretty good in scripting. I am glad to accept you as follower except if you don't have any interaction in your account. Hater of Big techs, Mozilla and Red Hat.
Wall 1 post
The ad industry spoiled TV and radio experience. The ad industry spoiled the Internet experience. The ad industry must disappear. |
@jrballesteros05 ad thing in general is kind of a information violence, because you've being pushed by information you didn't asked, so it is done by force mostly all the time. I haven't seen anyone who willingly would watch or read ads.