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lebout2canap ⏚

@tbernard By providing more information (the number of workspaces, which one is active), it is more useful than the old one for a seasoned user. Although it's more abstract, I think it should be fairly easy for a new user to relate to their workspace experiments. But where did the menu with the name of the application go? I see it as a dead loss of information without any gain in return.

Shrig 🐌

@lebout2canap @tbernard I sort of agree with this too. Also, I think the dots imply it's a workspace switcher not a "here's where the activities live" button. Also also: On the activities screen the workspace switcher is vertical not horizontal so contextually it's not very uniform

lebout2canap ⏚

@Shrigglepuss What do you mean by "vertical"? For me I consider it horizontal since GNOME 40.


Shrig 🐌

@lebout2canap @tbernard oh yeah! Ignore that I just checked (I don't use workspaces often can you tell ha!)

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