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Evora (sad girl hours)

@kkarhan @karolherbst @ShadowJonathan

To be honest it’s unlikely that any current model fission designs could support true power generation. Nearly all of them are entirely focused on maintaining the fission reaction.

It’s far more likely that the state would fully fund any power generation rather then a private company. That’s not even getting into the politics of actually distributing power which is a whole mother can of worms.

My point being, the situation is Crisis is highly unlikely, the most likely solution is that a state that is able to harness fission energy would mostly prioritize implementation of it on a state scale and selling it to other, non-fission capable nations.

Not to mention, it’s far more likely a state would exert control over the enterprise or nationalize it rather than let it completely control its energy production to prevent that exact scenario. No state wants to lose control over its energy production especially to a private enterprise.

Kevin Karhan :verified: replied to Evora (sad girl hours)

@empressEvora @karolherbst @ShadowJonathan that assumes state and corporations are completely seperate entities and not run by people - if not the same people.


Far from it...

Kevin Karhan :verified: replied to Kevin Karhan :verified:

@empressEvora @karolherbst @ShadowJonathan

The @EU_Commission doesn't even try to exert control over the 's ...
Much less of it's production...

I do agree in that like , and grids should be owned by the public, and whether that's a state-owned enterprise, a ministry, a cooperative or whatever is more of a tool discussion.

Kevin Karhan :verified: replied to Kevin Karhan :verified:

@empressEvora @karolherbst @ShadowJonathan needless to say, cannot be generated, only transformed and converted from one form to another.

At least that's how physics says so.

And thus I think it's more reasonable to harness tue ~ 175W / m² global average (at ground pole-to-pole 24/7) of energy the sun shoves onto earch, because by the time that star will have burned out, we'd have more pressing issues - if we as a specoes will still exist at that point in time...

@empressEvora @karolherbst @ShadowJonathan needless to say, cannot be generated, only transformed and converted from one form to another.

At least that's how physics says so.

And thus I think it's more reasonable to harness tue ~ 175W / m² global average (at ground pole-to-pole 24/7) of energy the sun shoves onto earch, because by the time that star will have burned out, we'd have more pressing issues - if we as a specoes will still exist...

Disinformation Purveyor :verified_think: replied to Kevin Karhan :verified:
@kkarhan @karolherbst @ShadowJonathan harvesting sun rays leaves a lot on the table to never be recovered though. I would argue that allowing the sun to feed plants which can then be used to produce biofuels is a way to improve power density and reduce loss/waste. Plus a real farm is a lot nicer to look at then a solar farm.
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