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Kevin Karhan :verified:

@empressEvora @karolherbst @ShadowJonathan

The @EU_Commission doesn't even try to exert control over the 's ...
Much less of it's production...

I do agree in that like , and grids should be owned by the public, and whether that's a state-owned enterprise, a ministry, a cooperative or whatever is more of a tool discussion.

Kevin Karhan :verified: replied to Kevin Karhan :verified:

@empressEvora @karolherbst @ShadowJonathan needless to say, cannot be generated, only transformed and converted from one form to another.

At least that's how physics says so.

And thus I think it's more reasonable to harness tue ~ 175W / m² global average (at ground pole-to-pole 24/7) of energy the sun shoves onto earch, because by the time that star will have burned out, we'd have more pressing issues - if we as a specoes will still exist at that point in time...

@empressEvora @karolherbst @ShadowJonathan needless to say, cannot be generated, only transformed and converted from one form to another.

At least that's how physics says so.

And thus I think it's more reasonable to harness tue ~ 175W / m² global average (at ground pole-to-pole 24/7) of energy the sun shoves onto earch, because by the time that star will have burned out, we'd have more pressing issues - if we as a specoes will still exist...

Disinformation Purveyor :verified_think: replied to Kevin Karhan :verified:
@kkarhan @karolherbst @ShadowJonathan harvesting sun rays leaves a lot on the table to never be recovered though. I would argue that allowing the sun to feed plants which can then be used to produce biofuels is a way to improve power density and reduce loss/waste. Plus a real farm is a lot nicer to look at then a solar farm.
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