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Martin Gausby

@konstantin @davidgerard perhaps. But as far as I know, it is based on an outdated view of the stability and state of the Wayland project, and as such, it is massively unfair to the great people working on getting Wayland in a shape where it can replace X11—which for many cases it is.

David Gerard

@gausby @konstantin wayland, the pulseaudio of display management: it fixes all your video problems except ones you have

a pile of responses on twitter and bsky are frustrated multi-monitor users

@davidgerard @gausby @konstantin Wayland is basically 25% of a display protocol but when you point it out, you get a bunch of reply guys telling you that what you want is undesirable.

XOrg may be a poorly maintained dinosaur but at least it's a complete dinosaur instead of the blueprint of a mammal that omitted many crucial organs like the kidneys.
Mx Jookia

@davidgerard @gausby @konstantin Sometimes I wonder if people who defend Wayland have actually tried to use it?

Luna:babaw_is::babaw_cute: :trans_verify: I use it (specifically hyprland, or gnome before that), and I don't experience any of the issues people commonly bring up


@jookia @davidgerard @gausby @konstantin

Not everyone uses your specific hardware, with your specific software installed. So not everyone experiences your issues.

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