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Darius Kazemi

I knew I was cisgender when I couldn't make emacs work for me

Darius Kazemi

@meena huh, interesting! I will give it a shot next time I'm in a procrastinating mood!!


@darius i'm one of those people who learned to use vim 20+ years ago, and now can't use any editor other than vim.

and, for the past 6 or so years, I've been using spacemacs.

Darius Kazemi

@meena that's super cool! What benefits do you gain from it over sticking with vim? (truly just curious here so I can try those things out when I try spacemacs)


@darius i was a systems administrator who switched between 3 or more programming languages a day and am now a programmer who switches between 3 or more languages a day.

Most of the time, what I want is simple: I want to efficiently edit text.

Vim's shortcuts have become in ingrained into my hands, so that's that. I have tried things like VSCode, but when I want to just edit a file, those IDEs are nonstarters… because they are slow-starters…

with emacs running in daemon mode, or (neo)vim, opening and editing a file is quick.

The other thing is navigation: I haven't really found much benefit from what neovim and emacs offer in terms of navigating giant projects (I currently work on: cloud-init: Python, LXD: Go, FreeBSD Kernel: C) compared to Vscode and their like.

If all else fails, rg on the command line + my own heuristics is faster anyway… (except when i should've consulted the function's man page ;)

to summarize:

- I need an editor more than i need an IDE
- my editor needs to be fast
- editing needs to be efficient, powerfull and convenient, even if that means sitting down and playing games to learn some vim shortcuts ;)

@darius i was a systems administrator who switched between 3 or more programming languages a day and am now a programmer who switches between 3 or more languages a day.

Most of the time, what I want is simple: I want to efficiently edit text.

Vim's shortcuts have become in ingrained into my hands, so that's that. I have tried things like VSCode, but when I want to just edit a file, those IDEs are nonstarters… because they are slow-starters…

Nico Nico Belić

@darius you can also give doom emacs a try, that's more vim- (evil-)centric, it loads extremely fast (it makes using emacsclient a joy to use) and it has a God damn DOOM reference and a cute cacodemon


@darius Emacs: Identifying Transness and the 'tism for over 40 years.

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