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FlyVåpen_Pikk ✅️

The irony of it all being that Twitter is now brand X but can't even do brand X right.

Also, unlike the mammal Mastodon, the Mastodon social media platform is outlasting EVERYthing around it... including the endangered species formerly known as Twitter. 💀💯

The Nerdy Mel

@FlyVapen_Pikk @jerry @MacropodCare

"The irony of it all being that Twitter is now brand X but can't even do brand X right."

It's really amusing to me that redirects to and not the other way around. It makes more sense to do it the other way around-- unless, you know, you can't actually build anything.

MacropodCarer: Verified 🌈🦘🦣

@TheNerdyMel @FlyVapen_Pikk @jerry

The simple explanation of course, in a state of reversed web redirect, is that the chap who conceived the whole concept is a complete, unexpurgated fuckwit without any good reason to be fed due to the immense fuckwittery demonstrated every time he opens his fucking mouth.

So help me doG.

The Nerdy Mel

@MacropodCare @FlyVapen_Pikk @jerry
I would feed Elon purely on the simple premise that it is extremely hard to speak through bread.


@TheNerdyMel Pure speculation but the way it works now sounds like something a tech might do when the boss decides to make a substantial change and wants it done in an hour.
The cosmetic changes won't be hard to undo either.

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