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Jerry Bell :verified_paw: :donor: :verified_dragon: :rebelverified:​

“Is mastodon like twitter?”

“No, not at all. Mastodon is still a thing.”

Michael T Babcock

@jerry ouch. Insert emotional damage meme here.

Lord Kusuriya ​:tower:​

@jerry "Oh so its like threads?"

"No, Mastodon actually has users"

FlyVåpen_Pikk ✅️

The irony of it all being that Twitter is now brand X but can't even do brand X right.

Also, unlike the mammal Mastodon, the Mastodon social media platform is outlasting EVERYthing around it... including the endangered species formerly known as Twitter. 💀💯

The Nerdy Mel

@FlyVapen_Pikk @jerry @MacropodCare

"The irony of it all being that Twitter is now brand X but can't even do brand X right."

It's really amusing to me that redirects to and not the other way around. It makes more sense to do it the other way around-- unless, you know, you can't actually build anything.

MacropodCarer: Verified 🌈🦘🦣

@TheNerdyMel @FlyVapen_Pikk @jerry

The simple explanation of course, in a state of reversed web redirect, is that the chap who conceived the whole concept is a complete, unexpurgated fuckwit without any good reason to be fed due to the immense fuckwittery demonstrated every time he opens his fucking mouth.

So help me doG.

The Nerdy Mel

@MacropodCare @FlyVapen_Pikk @jerry
I would feed Elon purely on the simple premise that it is extremely hard to speak through bread.


@TheNerdyMel Pure speculation but the way it works now sounds like something a tech might do when the boss decides to make a substantial change and wants it done in an hour.
The cosmetic changes won't be hard to undo either.


@jerry a bit of an X rated post there 🤣


@jerry Mastodon is not extinct. :mastodon:


@jerry Mastodon is like Twitter in that you follow people, and reply to their posts. Mastodon is nothing like Twitter in that there's actually people here and actual conversations happen. ...and if your admin is an ass, you move.

Nil Kraunis

@jerry Mastodon is not Twitter, but I think we need to add some UX/UI solution of Twitter for apps and web version

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