@davidrevoy What is an Open web? Darknet?
@lutfulmanan @davidrevoy @lutfulmanan Simply a web on which you can browse with the software you want from the OS you want, which has become unacceptable for Alphabet/Google. @lutfulmanan @davidrevoy Internet, where one massive company doesn't get to choose who can use the it. @lutfulmanan @davidrevoy A web where the users are in control and are not forced to watch ads and to give up private data. @lutfulmanan The Open Web is the Web we still have for now. Someone saw those embarrassing "Best viewed with Microsoft Internet Explorer" GIFs and thought that not only was it a great idea, it didn't even go far enough, as it didn't actively block other browsers. That's "Web Environment Integrity". |
@lutfulmanan @davidrevoy it's not Google Chrome Edge...
I've many things at the office that only works with Edge π