@davidrevoy I love how it looks exactly the same as the old system. Do you think that after a few years worth of new blog posts that it will ever get to the point where it pings your mastodon instance constantly? It’s cool that it updates every hour, but do you think blog posts will get old enough that you can be safe updating it daily or weekly to avoid this?
@yoyunix Thanks. To be fair, I doubt it will last long. Accidents of instance can happen, losing all comments, or the service might also go sunset and be replaced by a new tech more lightweight in the future. Maybe the API will change too with the new versions, up to a point it's too hard to follow for my low skill.
Right now my system on the blog has a cache of 1h for the post of the week, 4h for the post of the month, and 12h after that. Let see in 5 years if If Mastodon IDs are stable 😉