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Stephanie Appleby

@ShadowJonathan Stalebots? What's that? I've never heard of that until now!

Normal :jo_2: :v_enby:

@cub80_appleby on GitHub, some repo maintainers will add a "stalebot" that will mark old issues as "stale", and then automatically close them, when there's been no activity on them for the last X days/weeks/months

This does not solve the problem, it only serves to chase low issue numbers, hiding persistent problems

The fact that nobody is commenting on those issues (though maybe upvoting or subscribing) does not mean the issue is solved!!! It's incredibly unnecessary, and basically speaks of an unwillingness to or "cost reduction" wrt triaging and tracking issues appropriately, instead having issues be "whatever people care about these days", ignoring persistent and long-suffering issues people have stopped speaking up about, and are instead quietly waiting for fixes

It's also an insult, and slap in the face, for everyone who contributed to filing an issue, only for it to languish due to lack of attention from the maintainer, before it gets robotically closed due to that absence

@cub80_appleby on GitHub, some repo maintainers will add a "stalebot" that will mark old issues as "stale", and then automatically close them, when there's been no activity on them for the last X days/weeks/months

This does not solve the problem, it only serves to chase low issue numbers, hiding persistent problems

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