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Our new UI is more than a fresh coat of paint.

We're also fixing several bugs, improving mobile app coverage, and extending federation support to more implementations!

Shipping soon 🚀 #pixelfed


@pixelfed This is how Facebook Desktop should look - a truly useful utilization of multiple columns!


@pixelfed great job! will there be a dark mode option on the mobile version of the website? I can't turn on dark mode on my phone

Rysiekúr Memesson 🇺🇦

@pixelfed @dansup amazing!

Will there be a nice profile page to look at by non-logged-in users? This is a feature I honestly miss the most.

:PUA: Shlee fucked around and

@pixelfed 2022 is the year I finally host a Pixelfed. This looks excellent.


Can't express how hyped we are for this.


@pixelfed looks good, but the create new button doesnt have the same border radius :)

Grégory Antony

@pixelfed @dansup
Awesome! I love the masonry layout too! Will Stories stop being beta in this new update? I feel like it should be a different feature than Instagram, without so many limitations. I had some ideas about it, but I believe I can't explain it directly, as I'm not from the programming area...


@pixelfed Looks amazing! Are Events a feature in the works?

:dumpy: ThatOneCalculator

@pixelfed will we get the ability to add custom CSS, or at least choose custom colors? Or even a dark mode?

Iñigo Ortega :pikatxu:

@pixelfed I would have never thought this was pixelfed if nobody had told me

Solstice​ ​:blobcatmelt:​

@pixelfed I'm dumbstruck! pixelfed is so darn polished for its age, and I admire that so much :blobheart:​

Willow Rose

@pixelfed You've been very busy with this release. I'm very excited for it to come out.

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