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📣 Hello! @bcapps and @mikaelacaron here–we're taking over the account to document making a new app in visionOS! 🥽

We're building an app to show albums as 3D vinyls and play them on a turntable with spatial audio. Follow along to see our progress! 👇 #visionos #buildinpublic


First, we’re going to be screening “Meet SwiftUI for spatial computing“ and “Take SwiftUI to the next dimension” from #WWDC23 to re-familiarize ourselves with visionOS and get a feel for how we’ll start to tackle our visionOS app!

#VisionPro #buildinpublic


Today we're setting up our visionOS project! We're starting with a volumetric window and adding two models (the record and player) to the scene. Our goal is to make one draggable and be notified when it collides with the other. #visionos #buildinpublic

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